The Flourish Framework

How to Take Better photos with your Smartphone

The Flourish Framework is a course designed for creatives, makers and content creators who want to learn how to use a smartphone to efficiently capture high-quality images to reinforce their business brand. 

So why have I called it “The Flourish Framework”? I wanted a name that highlighted the skill-building that I aim to provide with this course. Essentially, I aim to provide you with the foundations, the bare bones, the scaffolding which you can use to build your own photographic style and approach - hence “framework”. The “flourish” part of the name, as well as providing a pleasing alliteration with the word “framework”, links back to "blossom" in my business name and helps to convey the growth and knowledge that I hope you will experience throughout the course.

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Learn More

The course has been created for beginners to provide a foundation in smartphone photography. Many aspects of the course can be applied to all types of photography but there is a particular emphasis on smartphone photography to ensure that you can use the techniques with the camera that you always have with you - the one in your pocket! It includes the basics of lighting and composition and provides you with advice on how to make small changes to improve your images almost immediately.

My aim is to provide you with the tools and the confidence to elevate your photographs using simple methods. To ensure that the course is accessible for as many people as possible, the only assumption I make is that you possess a smartphone! You won't need to invest in any additional equipment, although there are suggestions about how this can help if you decide to do so.

The Details

The Flourish Framework is available as either a three-hour workshop in Chippenham, Wiltshire or as a self-guided online course. The course covers the following aspects :

  • Laying the Foundations

  • Getting Hands On

  • Compositional Basics

  • Advanced Composition

  • Next Steps

The next in-person Workshops will be help in central Chippenham on Tuesday 28th February.

The online course is available for purchase at any time although I do restrict the number of people who are able to access the course at any one time to ensure that I am on hand to offer support and guidance.

Choose an option below for more information and to sign up.
