Copper and Blossom Photography - Wiltshire Wedding Photographer

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Lord of the Rings Themed Wedding - Rowena and Ben

Rowena and Ben’s celebration took place at Waddesdon Hall near Aylesbury on a beautiful sunny (and hot!) day. Lucky really, seeing as their ceremony was due to take place outdoors!

My first job of the day was to head to see Rowena who was getting ready across the road from the venue. She didn’t want too many photos - just a little bit of coverage of the final preparations. One of the key images I try and capture is the dress and it was then that I was told the dress had been kept top secret. Nobody knew what Rowena was going to be wearing except for Rowena and her mum. I soon realised why - the dress was bespoke and GREEN! I think it’s the first green wedding dress that I have seen in all of my years as a wedding photographer and it was beautiful! Rowena was also going to be wearing knee-high, lace-up boots - amazing!

I love it when couples throw a completely unique and personalised party and Rowena and Ben had opted for a Lord of the Rings theme. And when I say they went all in, I mean, they went all in! Rowena’s dress and boots were just the start - the tables names and table plan, the “long expected party” and “no admittance except on party business” signs in the garden, the music being played during the food, the swords they used to cut the cake and even their speeches had a nod back to the theme.

But let me backtrack a little and return to their ceremony. As I said, it took place outdoors in the woodland at the back of the venue. Their guests were seated on picnic blankets and benches to watch the various stages of the ceremony - hand-fasting, ring-warming and readings all taking place in front of a backdrop of handmade paper cranes. The ceremony ended with Rowena and Ben jumping of the broom, much to the amusement of their guests!

It was then time for confetti and formal photos - well, I say “formal”! Thankfully I had been warned about one specific photograph they wanted with their Uni friends that was definitely a little different! After the excitement of that photograph, Rowena and Ben led me through to a lovely meadow for their couples portraits. Before too long, we were making our way back to the Hall where their wedding breakfast consisted of a “pot luck” of food brought along by their guests. There was SO MUCH and it all looked delicious!

Afterwards, Rowena and Ben had decided that they were going to do their first dance outside and their guests were treated to a choreographed routine which was met with lots of cheering and applause. And then, finally, just as I was about to leave, their nieces fulfilled a promise they had made when they were younger, (stating that they would dress as monkeys to accompany Rowena down the aisle) and promptly appeared dressed in monkey onesies! It was timed perfectly!

It seemed apt that this was the last part of the day that I photographed so I said my goodbyes and left them to their celebrations.

Below you will find a very small selection of my favourite photos from the day. To view the full gallery, please contact Rowena or Ben.