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How To Prepare For Your Headshot Session

Headshot sessions have been popular recently so I thought it would be a good idea to provide some useful tips and provide some guidance to help you make the most from your session. If you haven’t booked your session yet then perhaps the following information will convince you to secure your spot!

Why you should book a headshot session:

I understand that many people loathe having their photograph taken but having an up-to-date headshot really is essential whether you work in a large corporation or run your own small business. People buy from people and so showing potential clients the person behind the business helps to build trust from the outset.

Having a high-quality headshot helps to build your professional reputation. Don’t let a “that will do for the time being” selfie be the first impression that you are giving to your potential clients!

How to prepare for your headshot session:

Before your headshot session, there are a few things that you can think about to help you get the most from your time.

Carefully think about what you are wearing. What do you want your first impression to say? Does a formal suit and tie match the impression that you are trying to convey or would something a little more relaxed and informal be better? A simple, classic outfit is likely to serve you better than an outfit that is bright with busy patterns (fashions are constantly changing and can make your image look dated very quickly). That being said, if your business brand has a strong colour theme, perhaps it would work well to include that colour somewhere in your outfit.

Think about wearing layers. For example, having a scarf, jacket, cardigan or tie that you can remove for some of the photos will allow us to quickly and easily capture some alternative looks. During my headshot sessions there isn’t usually time for a complete outfit change so having layers allows us to quickly capture a variety of different looks. If you feel you require photos showcasing a few different outfits then you might be better off booking a personalised branding session.

If you wear glasses, steer away from light-reactive lenses. My headshot sessions all take place outdoors and so your eyes will therefore be obscured! Try to wear glasses with clear lenses or ditch the specs completely!

How will the session run?

I know what it’s like to feel a little anxious in front of the camera. Headshot sessions can be even more daunting for those that hate having their photograph taken because you will need to look directly into the lens.

I try and make the sessions as relaxed and comfortable as possible but you will probably find that it will take a few minutes for you to feel completely at ease. As these sessions are only 20 minutes long we’ll be moving pretty quickly. I will try and squeeze in at least three different backdrops to ensure that you have a good selection of different images to choose from.

During the session I will provide you with some guidance for simple poses but please don’t feel like you have to remain static. Move around a little - simple movements such as changing the tilt of your head can make all the difference!

After the session, I’ll remove all of those sneaky mid-blink photos and upload the best images to a personalised gallery from where you can choose your favourite five images. These images will then be given a final tweak and uploaded in both high-res and web-ready versions ready for you to download. Additional images can be purchased as and when required.

If you are interested in booking a session, please take a look here for more information.